It’s been 20 years without our dear Philip. He was taken from us too soon. Too fast. He drove himself to the hospital on a Friday for a routine dose of meds and suddenly and inexplicably, was gone on Monday. The Schreiber and McKeever families were there by his side when he took his last breath. We rubbed his feet, legs, and arms as he left this earth. Telling him that he had fought as hard as he could and telling him it was okay to finally rest. Because, let’s be real. He FUCKING FOUGHT HARD.
The life expectancy for Phil’s disease is 14 years of age. Phil was 36 when he died. He beat so many odds. And this damn, awful disease NEVER defined him. He had a beautiful life with Liz and welcomed two HEALTHY boys, Emmett and John. They were the loves of his life.
And he was the love of our lives. Our parents did EVERYTHING to discover the root of his illness. It started with the loving care of the amazing Dr. Bob Gilmore who led Mom and Dad to the University of Chicago. From there, I couldn’t begin to count the nights spent in the hospital at U of C while they tried to figure out what was going on with him. Mom and Dad were relentless in seeking out the best treatment for their boy. Rare diseases are no joke. At age four, they had finally figured out Phil’s rare disease and had a plan in place in which he got IVs monthly to keep him healthy. Ish.
At home he had five adoring sisters. Some might say “that poor guy” with all those ladies – and yes, I’m told that he was pissed by the time I came around and was yet another girl. However, he loved us girls something fierce. He wouldn’t let anyone mess with us.
He took care of his sisters and all those he called a friend. And Phil had so many friends. Phil was the glue that united so many people. Yes, he was a wise ass, but when he joked with you, gave you a nickname, and so on, that meant he truly loved you.
Our dear Phil. Twenty years without you seems unreal. Our hearts ache missing you. Those that were so young and those that came after you left us so wish they could have known you. But for those that did know you, we consider ourselves lucky every day. You made all of us better. We love and miss you so much.
So today, in honor of Phil, grab ahold of someone you love, squeeze them tightly and share why they are unforgettable. We won’t ever forget about you, my dear brother.

Such a beautiful tribute, Elizabeth. I’ll always remember cousin Phil. He had such a positive impact on all of us,.
We have not forgotten ❤️
We sure do miss Philip. Thanks, Elizabeth, for this beautiful tribute to a wonderful young man who left us way too soon. Our love to you, Liz, Emmett, John, and all the Schreibers.🙏❤️
No words…. ❤️